I wanted to write this blog post 7 days ago. After the second time I used my new skincare to be quite frank. Ok, let me backtrack and tell you how it went down.

I turned 48 last week. On my birthday, I used my new skincare in the evening. The next day I woke up and was like WHOA!!! I noticed a visable difference. I am not a newbie to skincare. I have been using Tretinoin in my regimine for about 2 years. I use red and blue light therapy. I thought I had hit my skin peak. WRONG! Amount these other things that I have been using, I used a combination of other products, with many of them being K-Beauty products. Ordering K-Beauty products that are actually authentic is kind of a pain. I personally used Stylevanna and probably still will for certain things if I am being honest. Here is what drove me nuts. Customer service is pretty non-existant. You kind of pay and pray. Sometimes it takes a few weeks to receive products; other times it takes months.

A few weeks ago, one of my best girlfriends was telling me about these new products she tried. This friend is the same friend who helped me transform my skin through skin cycling, tretinoin and taught me what to look for in ingredients. When she called me to tell me how blown away she was I knew that if something impressed her, I had to try it. We all have those friends right? The ones we listen to implicitly when it comes to whatever their area of knowledge is the most keen.

So, I ordered right away. As I was waiting for my order to arrive, I was looking at these before and after photos of men and women who had only been using these products for short periods of time and their results were insane! So, I ordered a full kit. Like I said, I used it one time and was wowed and after a week, I am hooked.

The skincare I am using is called InCellDerm by Riman. They are not only authentically K-Beauty, they hold the patents on Giant BYoungPool (also known as Centella Asiatica) and Jeju Lava Energy Water among others. What I found to be fascinating about Riman is that they not only manufactuer their products, but they are the source of their ingredients as well. How this effects us as end user consumers is that they have complete control and our formulas that we receive will be 100% consistent all the time. In my research, I also found that other brands will claim to have Centella but it is a subpar version that is usually dried, crushed and a fraction of the potency. The Giant BYoungPool plants were created when the scientists at Riman watered their BYoungPool with the Jeju Lava Energy Water and it just grew…and grew…and grew even bigger!

You may be wondering why K-Beauty is so popular right now. I have a theory. When we look in the mirror and see something we don’t like, we run to the nearest makeup counter or Ulta. We buy everything they sell us and use it all at once. We aggravate the heck out of our skin, think nothing works and give up. Korean skincare or K-beauty focuses on simplicity, gentle cleansing, nourishment , hydration and protection. They keep it simple. Their ingredients are gentle. Gentle is key here because when things are gentle and do not irritate our skin, we can continue using them and consistency is key with any habit or routine, but with skin care it is essential.