About Abeyta House

Abeyta House is a team where women can come as they are and grow into who they want to be. I personally mentor my team members as much or as little as they want me to on their journey to grow as artists and business women.

We have an exclusive team chatline, a training request program, and a graphics request program. You are never on your own when you are with us.

It’s As Easy As Playing Candyland…

Abeyta House offers Weekly Pep Rallys, a BOOK CLUB, ongoing interactive training, a PIN program, access to all of the email, text and graphical marketing templates that I have created. Anything and everything that you need to know to be a Seint Artist and run a beauty channel on social media is at your finger tips in our exclusive ONLINE UNIVERSITY.

No matter what your goals are, I am here to support you with every tool and resource you could need.

About Seint

In 2013, SEINT (formerly known as Maskcara Beauty) was founded by Caralyn Brook makeup artists, product developer, and CEO has a unique approach to makeup. Her products and systems are designed to enhance the beauty that already exists. Giving YOU all the credit. In 2017, Cara decided instead of her products going into retail stores, she wanted us, YOU, to join her in sharing this message and her products to the world. Real people using and sharing this product they love, AND getting paid to do so IS the perfect fit.